Diablo Valley College
This page outlines your Lumens training plan. Please note that we will generally follow this schedule but may re-order the topics based on your needs.
Scheduled Training Sessions:
Session X: (MM/DD): Lumens Demo - If Requested Watch Now
Workbook: No workbook
- Staff View: Menu Options, Log-in as, Staff assist Registration, Instructor Bio
- Student: Add Student Profile, Student Self-registration, Review Student Dashboard
- Instructor: Edit Instructor Profile, View/print Rosters & Sign-in Sheets, Email Students
Session 1: (01/27): System Set Up Files Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 1
- System Options: System Preferences, Financial Policies, Instructional Calendar
- Financial Management: Accounting Codes
- Instructors: Instructor Profiles, Job Titles, Education Levels and Company Types
- Student Management: Student Profiles, Household Profiles,
- System options: List Value Mgmt
- Categories/Subcategories: Alt Subcategories,
- Courses: Delivery Type, Schedule Type, Clone
- Classes: Schedules Types, Confirmations, Reminders,
- Catalog: Catalog Requestor
- Course Series Management: Building/Creating, Listing
Session 2: (02/01): Class Registration (1-2 Sessions) Watch Now
Workbook:Pro - Level 1, Pro - Level 2
- System options: Template Management
- Website Templates: Guest, Learner, Instructor, Staff Welcome Pages
- Email Templates: Profile Notice, Registration Confirmations, Custom confirmations
- Custom E-mail Templates: Confirmations, Reminders
- Custom Web Page Templates: eg. Training Page
- Registrations: Late Registrations, Cancels, Transfers, Waiting Lists
- Registrations: Response Analysis, Collection of fields at Registration
- Shopping Cart: Payment Methods, Promotions, Donations, Gift Cards, Scholarships, Over/Under payments, Split payments,
- Class Information: Go/No Go Overview, Instructor Checklist, Status Change, Record Grades/Attendance/CEUs, Release Forms
- Instructors: Email and Confirmations, E-mail to Instructors, Instructor Portal
Session 3: (02/02): Website Training Watch Now
Workbook: Website Configuration Workbook
- Style Sheets: Main Layout Options, CSS and Style Sheets
- Style Configuration: Colors and Fonts
- Graphics: Banner Options; Primary, Background, and Other Graphics
- Menus: Public Menu Structures, All Menus
- Footers: Pre-Footer, Footer, and Branding Footer
- Controls: User Controls, Learner Controls, Search Controls
- Social Media: Social Media Additions
Session X: (MM/DD): Reporting Watch Now
Workbook: Pro - Level 3
- Reports: Groups, Features, Filters, Scheduled, Custom
- Credit Card Report Page:
Session X: (MM/DD): System Options Watch Now
Workbook: Power User Workbook, Pro - Level 3
- System Options: Power User Settings - Release Form Management, Refund Policy Management, Global Skip Dates
- System Options: User Roles, Staff Members, Dashboard Admin, Inactive/Delete
Session X: Instructor Management Watch Now -
Workbook: Instructor Management
- Program Overview: Introduction
- Instructor Profiles: Instructor Profiles, Earnings and Payments
- Reports: Instructor Reports
Session XX: Document Editor Watch Now
- Document Editor Fundamentals
- Document Editor Mail Merge/Merge Blocks
Meeting Recordings (any ad-hoc meetings outside of the training plan)
MM/DD: Insert meeting topic (as link)
MM/DD: Insert meeting topic (as link)
MM/DD: Insert meeting topic (as link)