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Career Developement
DVC Community Education is excited to present a series of courses and learning modules to ready workers for success in the new economy. These courses are grouped and branded as our “launchpad”. Designed both for the individuals exploring career change and the small business looking how to take the first steps in areas like web development or cyber security.  These “launchpad” courses range from 8 to 14 hours over six weeks. This fall on Tuesday (a few Thursday) evenings, 6:45 to 8:30 pm. Courses include; How to begin and succeed in Tech Sales, Cannabis-from seed to sale through the lens of METRC, Intro to Website Development, How to Start and Succeed with a Home-based Business and Enter the world of Cyber Security.These courses are supported by micro learning modules; Legal Fundamentals, Fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence / Neuroscience-based mindfulness.  Accounting and Finding Fundamentals.